Millions of children will start kindergarten in the United States this fall. A recent study by Washington State University found that less than half (44%) incoming kindergarteners are adequately prepared to take this step. Get more info?
Teachers feel that over the years, student readiness for schooling has decreased while academic expectations in kindergarten have risen. Parents may feel that there are no standards to follow in preparing their children for kindergarten. How do you determine if your kid is ready for kindergarten?
In many households with a single parent or a dual income, parents increasingly depend on day cares and pre-schools to help prepare their children for kindergarten. In the same Washington State survey, teachers reported that nearly half (46%) had previously attended either a preschool or childcare center.
Literally, you are in control as a parent. By using a mouse or touchpad to control your child’s development, you will be able to set them up for success with learning tools that are designed specifically for kindergarten. You will find that your kids will be occupied for many hours and will have a great advantage in kindergarten.
How to Prepare Your child for Kindergarten
School Zone has been successfully preparing children to enter kindergarten for more than 30 years. They are the most popular, experienced and trusted publisher of educational software and workbooks for children.
School Zone’s award-winning Kindergarten preparation materials are available in convenient bundles. Choose between the preschool bundle, the large preschool bundle, or the giant bundle of preschool materials.
Each bundle contains hundreds of workbook sheets, traditional flashcards and game cards as well as interactive pop-up cards, sticker games, and award winning software programs. Your child will learn the alphabet and numbers, shapes, colors, and pre-reading.
The School Zone Advantage is a winning combination of software and flashcards that will help reinforce concepts taught in Kindergarten and make learning more fun. Give your child The School Zone advantage.
The School Zone Benefit
Your children’s academic success is within your reach. The School Zone Advantage will give your child a great advantage in kindergarten. Click to get the best value preschool bundles at
School Zone Publishing Company provides educational materials for preschoolers and sixth graders. Since 1979, the family-run company based in the Midwest has sold 315,000,000 educational workbooks. School Zone, a company trusted by both teachers and parents alike, is the leader in affordable quality content.