Carpet stains are a mystery that persists even after thorough cleaning. We investigated the mysterious world of carpet resurfacing because homeowners are long perplexed about this phenomenon. Carpet flooding is a mystery that we will investigate. Browse the catalog.
Carpet Fibers Have a Strange Memory: Carpet fibers are able to remember stains, which is unfortunate. Using the latest cleaning techniques to carefully remove the stain may not be enough. Some residue could still remain in the fibers. Over time, these traces can slowly surface and give the impression that the color is returning.
The wonders of wicking: Another element which causes carpet stains recur is wicking. If a stain has penetrated deeply into the backing or padding of the carpeting, it may be difficult to remove. The color can also be brought back up to the surface by the moisture that remains in the carpet as it dries.
Stains that Reappear Sometimes, the stains which seem to return are actually a new stain. This stain is hidden below the surface. Subsurface stains can migrate up and cause recurring stains. For example, spills which seep through carpet padding and subflooring and onto the padding. Professional help is often required to address the underlying cause of hidden stains.
Carpet stains can reappear if you use cleaning products incorrectly or do not rinse them thoroughly. If you don’t thoroughly rinse the residue of cleaning products or spot-remover, it may remain in your carpet. The residue can attract dirt and dust to the carpet, causing it to appear more stained. To avoid residue, it is important to use the right cleaning method and thoroughly rinse.
Carpet Cleaning Sydney
38 Canoon Rd, South Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
0413 194 766